Digital Solutions to improve safety in plants

Industrial Safety is such a critical element of plant operations that it can never be neglected, while all efforts are on to prevent but still, we do see sporadic incidents happening more so in chemical and process industries. Key reasons for safety incidents are poor maintenance, non-compliances due to negligence, under-trained and sick workers operating in plants. While these all looks basics but still these things do happen which sometime lead to incident. Question is what do we do to ensure these factors gets detected immediately as they happen in plant. This is where digital solutions can help to guide and remotely monitor the compliances.

Some of digital solutions that can help are

Condition Monitoring of the Assets – Live operations data of machine’s mechanical and electrical parameters can be acquired in real time and using analytical model can be analyzed to assess if there is possible fault creeping in the machine due to regular wear & tear or deficiency in maintenance process. This online monitoring ensures any breakdown which could be hazardous or brings production downtime can be predicted in advance and with appropriate maintenance can be prevented.

Maintenance Schedule Planning and Tracking – Simple SAAS based applications can be deployed in regular phones/ tabs that helps to proactively plan maintenance schedules of all assets and also track the status including the SOPs that was followed during maintenance. Best part of these applications is that comes at very low cost and can be deployed without any much effort. From worker point of view also these are very simple to use as its just automating what workers anyway do manually and comes with drop down options to select instead of writing.

CCTV based Video Analytics Solutions – Video feeds from the CCTVs which are already abundant in plants can be analyzed using analytics solutions to monitor the operational processes and detect any deviations from the standard SOPs. This ensures workers are following all the safety protocols while working at shopfloor. These solutions can also detect the workers not wearing proper PPEs and send notification alerts to supervisors to report the non-compliance

AR & VR based Training Solutions – These simulated training modules created using augmented and virtual reality technologies creates a real-world environment for workers to experience the process as they will face in actual plant location. This ensures workers get better trained and stays confident while they work in plant. These solutions also prepare workers on how to respond to different incidents when it happens.

IoT based Health & Safety Solutions – Sensors and wearable devices are being used today extensively to track the health parameter of workers while they are operating in plant, especially in hazardous situation. These solutions have inbuilt intelligence to assess the safety situation and report in real time in case of any risk detected at plant, thereby reducing the chance of incidents like stress, fall or even reduced productivity

These are some of the basic solutions and all of these comes with low investment and are quick to deploy. While plant teams continue to monitor their processes, using these digital tools can lead to much stricter process tracking and hence safety incidents can be reduced further considerably

Let’s join hand and use technologies to ensure NO MORE BHOPAL

At digiXLT we work towards guiding manufacturers how to leverage technology to improve efficiency, productivity and safety in plants. We help in prioritising areas for digital adoption through assessment and guide in following structured process for solution deployment.

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